C and C++ programs

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Programs are console applications that run under Windows. Download the.rar file, unzip it and run the.exe file.
You might need an application to extract the file: WinRar, if you don't have it (I'm not the author) :)

Enter the password to download the source codes

Log file administration

The program can repeatedly perform 5 activities with the file:

  1. dump, write, delete, backup, restore
  2. entries are added to the file as rows with the current date and time

The Factorial calculation

  1. input validation
  2. staff code writing culture
  3. project in multiple files

Editing and saving car data in the company

The program can read the saved car list from the binary file immediately. (Works with the linked list of structures.)
The program also allows:

  1. creating a new vehicle list
  2. save it to a binary file

Search for a word in a text file

The program allows you to search for the word in the text file
The program also enables to you:

  1. open a pre-saved data.txt file or specify another
  2. enter a searching word
  3. for a more valid search, the program is not case sensitive
  4. program prints the line numbers with the searching word
  5. program is allocating memory as needed

Creating a class and its methods, writing objects to a file

The program

  1. creates 3 objects of class T_Clovek
  2. writes them to a binary file
  3. prints the file to the screen